Comune di Castelnuovo di Porto – Piazza Vittorio Veneto,16

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Ducal Palace “Rocca Colonna”

Rocca Colonna always open

The priority objective is the cultural and tourist enhancement of our territory.
Ensuring daily access to the Rock is a further step towards this goal!
We are waiting for you from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:30 to 13:00 and in the afternoon from 16:30 to 19:00 for guided tours, school trips and special occasions such as exhibitions, staging, festivals and shows.

Telephone number/Whatsapp: 3663402758

La Rocca welcomes and promotes different cultural and recreational activities:

Cultural Center ARTIPELAGO, set up by the Cultural Association CIMAMUSIC ARTEDUCAZIONE, which gave rise to a project of musical education, training, promotion and cultural production and entertainment.
The offer of study includes academic courses in classical and modern music, activities for musical learning and collective instrumental workshops.


Laboratorio TESSUTI SOCIALI, a project of social inclusion by the Semi di Futuro Association, which promotes the dissemination of crafts in its therapeutic, social and cultural value. It is aimed at people with disabilities and/or in conditions of socioeconomic disadvantage and anyone who wants to experience handicraft.
In addition, offers courses and group workshops for adults and children and a service of tailoring solidarity offered by/ students/ and the project “Filare the Future”, promoted by the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Porto.

Telephone: 3338975039


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